
Saturday, October 8, 2022

Kuih Tepung Bungkus


Kuih tepung bungkus is my all-time favourite traditional kuih. It is good for breakfast or tea time.  It is not easy to find them in the area where I am staying. Thus, I have to make them myself. There are many processes involved in making them - from preparing the banana leaves, the fillings, the batter to finally, steaming the. But the delicious kuih makes the whole process worth it.


  • 12-15 pcs banana leaves 
  • Batter:
    • 400 g water
    • 500 g coconut milk
    • 250 g rice flour
    • 10 g all-purpose flour
    • 1 tsp salt
  • Fillings:
    • 150 g fresh coconut flakes
    • 100 g gula Melaka
    • 50 g dark brown
    • 2 - 3 pandan leaves
    • 80 g water
    • 10 g corn flour + 2 tbsp water to form a solution

    • Preparing the banana leaves:
      • Cut the banana leaves into 6 inches x 10 inches size.
      • Wash them.
      • Run each piece over the fire to soften them or you may blanch them in hot water

    • For the fillings:
      • Add the gula Melaka, dark brown sugar, pandan leaves and water into a saucepan.
      • Boil the water till the gula Melaka and dark brown sugar melt and the syrup is aromatic.
      • Sieve the syrup into a non-stick pan.
      • Let it cool down a bit before adding the corn flour solution to it. Stir so that they are mixed together.
      • Add the fresh coconut flakes to the syrup.
      • Stir the coconut flakes till they absorb the syrup and slowly cook them till they are dry and can be formed into balls.
      • Let the coconut flakes cool down.
      • Then form them into balls or cylinders, depending on how you want to shape your kuih; some shape it into cone while others shape it into a long rectangle. (Each may weigh 16 - 20 g.)
    • For the batter:
      • Add water, coconut milk, rice flour, all-purpose flour and salt to a sauce pan. Stir till all are well combined.
      • Turn on the fire and keep on stirring the mixture till it thickens and of dropping consistency.
    • Assembly:
      • Take one piece of banana leaf and place it on a weighing scale.
      • Spoon some of the batter onto the leaf.
      • Place a piece of coconut ball or cylinder on the batter.
      • Cover it with some batter. (The total weight of my batter and coconut flakes is 100 g.)
      • Fold the banana leaf from bottom to cover the batter and from the top to cover it. Fold the ends under the body.
    • Prepare the steamer:
      • When the water in the steamer is boiling, transfer the uncooked kuih to the steamer.
      • Steam them for about 15 minutes. (Remember the battar and coconut flakes are already cooked.
      • Remove the kuih from the steamer once they are done.
    • Serve.